Daniel Shepherd Accounting Benefits


Looking for a secure location to store all your membership and retailer loyalty cards?

The Vault is integrated with your Wallet providing one click access to scan your retailer loyalty cards when you’re at the checkout and redeeming your discounted Gift card.

Accumulate rewards points and save instantly with our discounted Gift cards. What could be easier?

eVault - Load Scan Points

Load Loyalty
Cards in Vault

Scan barcode or
manual data entry

Access from

Loyalty linked to
the Gift card

Scan Loyalty

Open Vault from
the Wallet

Gift card

Scan the Gift
card bar code

Save $$$
Earn Points

Gift cards &
loyalty cards

Step by step instructions

Loading loyalty or rewards cards into Vault on Mobile Device
1. Login and open Vault
2. Select “Add New”
3. Enter retailer or company name in search window or scroll down list
4. Select loyalty card provider or if you cannot find the provider select “Add Other”
5. Scan barcode (using mobile phone camera) or enter card number manually
6. Check the barcode scan has correctly recognised your card number and select “Done” or rescan or enter manually
7. Enter the retailers name (for “add other” only)
8. Add notes (optional)
9. Save
10. Your loyalty card is automatically linked to the Gift cards you purchase and accessible from your Wallet (see instructions below)

Loading loyalty or rewards cards into Vault on Website
1. Login and open Vault
2. Select “Add New”
3. Enter the retailer or company name in search window or scroll down list
4. Select loyalty card provider or if you cannot find the provider select “Add Other”
5. Enter the card number manually (note: to scan barcode use mobile app to load card)
6. Enter the retailers name (for “add other” only)
7. Add notes (optional)
8. Save
9. Your loyalty card will be automatically linked to the Gift cards you purchase and accessible from your Wallet (see instructions below)

Accessing loyalty card from Wallet
1. Login and open Wallet
2. Search for your Gift card form the drop-down menu.
3. Select “View Details” to open Gift card redemption data and links.
4. Select “Vault” to open your retailer loyalty card.
5. Scan Loyalty Card and close window.
6. Scan or enter barcode number and PIN as required by retailer to redeem your discounted Gift card.